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HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage

HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage Course

The HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage course is designed to teach the knowledge and practical skills of massage so you can become a remedial massage therapist! Remedial massage is a practice that uses massage as a form of applied remedy to musculoskeletal ailments. In the Diploma of Remedial Massage Course you will learn integral skills such as:

Core Topics:
  • Remedial and Sports massage
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Relaxation massage
  • Stretching and Strengthening
  • Injury and Pain Assessment
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Clinical Practice
  • Industry Skills (Communication, Business skills, clinic management)

Massage Skills:
  • Massage Sequences:
    - Full Back
    - Lower Back
    - Shoulder
    - Neck
    - Inter-scapular
    - Arms
    - Legs
    - Abdominal
  • Massage Techniques:
    - Effluerage (Stroking)
    - Petrissage /Kneading
    - Frictions
    - Vibration and Tapotement

Massage for Conditions:
  • Sciatica
  • Plantar Fascitis
  • Arthritis
  • Shoulder impingement / frozen shoulder
  • Repetitive strain injury  (Tennis elbow, carpal tunnel)
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Postural Imbalances (Scoliosis, Kyphosis)

These skills are essential for Remedial Massage Therapists and our Diploma Course Training is designed to make you job ready, meaning you can start as soon as you graduate!

Course Delivery:

This massage course has a blended delivery. Meaning that your course will take place on-campus and online for the duration of the course.

The on-campus part of your course is delivered by attending a 2-day session of classes approximately once every 3-4 weeks. On Campus you will have access to a high quality training facility, massage tables, massage oil and a professional massage therapist to train you. 

Theoretical learning is delivered online with tutors from our expert training team, meaning you can learn at your own pace and receive quality support throughout your massage course. It is all delivered through our Evolve College HUB online. Another part of your self paced learning is practicing the massage techniques you learn on campus, at home, supervised by a trainer.

This unique delivery system means you can experience industry leading and highly reputable training from our team without the strain of weekly in-person classes.Our classes can be attended at one of our 16 campuses across Australia. Depending on our campus availability, you can choose from the following on-campus class options:

  • Weekend Format (Saturday & Sunday classes)
  • Weekday Format (Monday & Tuesday classes)

Nationally Recognised Qualification:

HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.
This qualification is Nationally Recognised Training and qualifies you to be a Remedial Massage Therapist. 

Evolve College is registered to deliver the HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage qualification. This qualification has been set by industry and endorsed by the government as the benchmark for entry into the remedial massage profession.

Graduates from our on-campus program who satisfy all relevant requirements will be eligible to apply for a provider number for Medibank Private (and other private health insurance funds which have set similar/the same educational criteria), allowing clients to receive rebates. Your professional association can advise you further on this. See also our private health funds pages. For more information on professional associations, see our FAQs page.

Click here to download an important Qualifications Facts sheet with information on this course (HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage). 

Next Massage Course Start Date:

See your next start date based on your location:

Gold Coast

Coffs Harbour


Evolve College aims to provide high quality education at a reasonable price. We believe education should be kept simple and concise teaching you exactly what you need to begin your career.

The HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage has a full fee price of $9,690

For this Diploma of Remedial Massage you can Pay Upfront or through a VET Student Loan options available. To see if you are eligible for a VET Student Loan please Click Here

At Evolve College we have a dedicated careers team who will be able to provide you with all the information for the course. The careers team will not hassle you, they are there to support you and ensure the course you are selecting is the right one for your goals. 

Enrolment Process For Massage Courses

Step 1: Complete enrolment application (click Apply Now)

Step 2: Chat with our course advisors

Step 3: Complete enrolment documentation 

Step 4: Start your course!


Remedial Massage Course:

The Evolve College teaching approach is designed to train therapists to understand the anatomical body to a depth whereby they can determine variations from normal health status. The focus is then placed on using a combination of specific musculoskeletal assessment techniques and specialist hand skills to apply a remedial treatment aimed at addressing the cause of the patient's health status. 

We prefer to work on improving health and not just providing relief! Upon graduation, you will be eligible for affiliate membership with a professional massage association, and ready to start your career as a Remedial Massage Therapist!

Your Occupational Title may include:

  • Remedial Therapist
  • Remedial Massage Therapist
  • Remedial Massage Therapy Practitioner

Why Evolve College For Massage Courses? 

Evolve to us is not just any word - it symbolises what we are here to do - allow you the opportunity to evolve as a person. Within this ethos is the factor of the whole of you, respectfully held, and presented with the view that you are the key figure and the important element in any industry.

Being the largest private provider of massage education in Australia, Evolve College is a focused leader in the massage industry that educates with a commitment to ethical clinical practices and preparation for remedial massage services.  

Our focus is on giving the most comprehensive, inspiring and practical massage curriculum available. This is reflected through our partnerships with many organisations throughout Australia, building on decades long relationships within the industry. Our partnerships open unique opportunities for our students to work immediately upon graduation. 

Course Details

Study Method: 
Blended Delivery: on-campus and online study
12 Months
Enrolment Period: 
Open Now

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