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HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage - ENROLLING NOW!
HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy - ENROLLING NOW!
Evolve College offers flexible massage courses for Gold Coast and surrounds. Study the Diploma of Remedial Massage course with Evolve College and experience a massage school with a focus on integrity and quality.
At Evolve we want to serve you the best way we can! We have dedicated student support staff, an experienced training team and a simple and practical learning experience all to produce a graduate ready to begin professionally from day one!
Evolve College offers two Vocational Education and Training (VET) massage courses that are Government accredited and nationally recognised qualifications as well as having multiple association accreditations. This provides all accreditation for you to start your professional career as a massage therapist.
Our focus is on giving the most comprehensive, inspiring and practical massage curriculum available. This is reflected through our partnerships with many organisations throughout Australia, building on decades long relationships within the industry. Our partnerships open unique opportunities for our students to work immediately upon graduation.
HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage - 32 days on campus (Over 12 Months)
HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy - 14 days on campus (Over 6 Months)
We've designed our massage courses like this so you don't have to sacrifice the important things in life by being on campus when you don't absolutely need to be. We understand the importance of learning a new skill in a way that is most convenient to you, focusing on the life-study balance required to get the best quality learning for YOUR future!
Core Topics:
| Massage Skills:
| Massage for Conditions:
You can book a student massage below or via the link HERE: