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  • Jane Schrapel Graduate Story

    Jane Schrapel Graduate Story
    15 Sep
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    Posted by Administrator

    Jane Schrapel ~ Diploma of Remedial Massage Graduate
    What first interested you in massage?

    I was looking for employment that would enable me to work from home, work my own flexible hours and be my own boss.

    What was your experience at Evolve like?

    Great! Being able to complete the 2 year course in just 12 months enabled me to start my new career that much sooner. The teachers were lovely and helpful and the variety of subjects covered gave me a solid grounding to start my career.

    How have your studies with Evolve prepared you for work in the massage industry?

    I felt fully prepared to start my new career. Evolve has a very good reputation for preparing its students to walk straight into employment opportunities. The Diploma course covers so many different aspects of the industry and the many hands-on hours massaging gives participants a huge advantage.

    How have you found massage supports people?

    I have clients recovering from falls, sporting injuries, car accidents etc. Others who work long hours on computers, blocks and farms. They all benefit greatly from Remedial Massage treatments. I work regularly with Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Doctors to help clients with their recovery for the best outcomes.

    What advice would you give to aspiring massage therapists?

    Complete each subject before going on campus to do your face to face, so that everything is fresh in your mind and you can ask questions about anything you're not sure about. Watch all the videos, it really helps to get your massage skills down pat and helps you create your own massage routine, which is important. Remember that everyone is learning, even those participants who are already in the industry or a similar field. You will find that you will teach each other different things. Get started on your practice hours asap. Remember you are learning and the teachers are there to help you all the way.

    What has been the highlight of your career so far?

    A few good highlights so far. Getting a client to the doctor in time to have a skin cancer removed. Helping a client get back the feeling in their feet after 20 years of numbness. A client was able to raise their arm above their head again after not being able to do that for 10 years. Relieving aches and pain, so that clients can function normally again. It is extremely rewarding!