Olivia Johnston Graduate Story
20 Jun2019 Tagged as
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Olivia is a 2018 Diploma of Remedial Massage Graduate who studied via correspondence
What first interested you about massage?
I started receiving massage several years before I started my diploma and I experienced the benefits of massage in relation to improving my general wellbeing.
What do you enjoy most about massaging?
I enjoy the creative nature of massage in addition to the ability to help people. The majority of clients are satisfied and are happy to see you. I enjoy the ability to improve clients’ health and wellbeing.
What was your experience at Evolve College like?
Overall my experience was great. I studied via correspondence from Port Hedland and thought that the course would be challenging due to the distance - but I managed to finish earlier that my completion deadline! The materials provided by the college to help students understand and complete all of the content were really helpful and comprehensive. I had a good experience with the practical sessions in Perth and always received helpful service over the phone – I was a frequent caller!
How have your studies at Evolve College prepared you for work in the massage industry?
Really well – the virtual clinic hours were crucial to building my confidence as a massage therapist! I valued these clinical hours as I was able to practice massage from home, and without the pressure of receiving payment for the service. The practical assessments of the course prepared me well for working as a professional massage therapist.
What advice would you give aspiring massage therapists?
Always practice your massage skills! Practice is crucial to allow you to develop as a student and eventually discover your own unique massage style. Once you know all the relaxation and remedial techniques learned throughout your studies, you can tailor your massages specifically for your client’s needs using a combination of techniques.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
I have started working at a physiotherapy clinic this year. While relaxation massage is my preferred style to practice, I am benefitting from and gaining valuable experience by also using the remedial massage techniques learned during my diploma studies. I have received a lot of positive feedback from people and gained new clients through word-of-mouth.