Mel Brand Graduate Story
21 Jun2019 Tagged as
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Mel Brand ~ Diploma of Remedial Massage Graduate
What first interested you in massage?
My interest in massage has been with me for many years, however I never knew where to start or if I would even be any good. I decided to attend the introductory weekend that Evolve offered and enjoyed the weekend so much that I wanted to continue which is when I decided to sign up for the Certificate IV. While studying the Certificate IV I realised that Massage was my mojo. Not only was I learning an incredible skill that I could use anywhere but I was actually not too bad at it! I upgraded to the Diploma and 2 years later here I am, a fully qualified Remedial Massage Therapist.
What was your experience at Evolve like?
My experience studying Massage with Evolve College has been one of the most fulfilling things that I have ever done. From the very first subject (Introductory to Massage Therapy) the integrity and professionalism of Evolve was evident. Evolve staff were on hand whenever I called to enquire about anything (no matter how insignificant) which made the stress of studying such a comprehensive course that much easier. I found that because we started to have to practice our strokes and what we were learning early on with real clients, everything was brought together very quickly. My confidence after each and every massage grew and after each practical and clinical weekend. When I first started studying with Evolve I knew very little about massage but now because of the nature of this course, the support from staff and the incredible training from Linda I have emerged a confident and competent Remedial Massage Therapist.
What do you enjoy most about massaging?
Massage is more that hands on manipulation it is a holistic therapy experience which gives so much to the person receiving. This being said I discovered that I was getting as much out of the Massage experience as the client. Trying to put into words why I enjoy massaging so much is difficult however one of the most significant realisations for me is I find massaging immensely rewarding. I now work as a Remedial Massage Therapist at Adelaide Healing Energy Centre and energy is probably the best way to describe what I feel that I do. Each client that I see has a different reason for being there and each time I see a client the massage is different. No massage given is the same even if they have been to me before. One of the most rewarding things about massage is seeing a client come in looking stressed and uncertain and leaving with a completely different feel about them and most enjoyable of all is the smile on their face.
Do you have any tips for current/future students of Massage?
My best advice for any current or future students of massage is to just keep on going. At first it can appear daunting, but the rewards far outweighs the stress. I made sure that I completed one subject fully before moving on to the next one. This made it much easier to work through each task.