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HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage


01 - Massage Therapy

This subject is the hands-on practical techniques for massage therapy. It teaches the how-to steps for applying massage. Taught by highly trained industry professionals, this subject aims to teach you the art and feel of massage therapy.  Spread over 3 practical teaching classes, this subject is a must for any massage career.

02 - Human Biology

Human Biology teaches the anatomical understanding and application to support your massage learning. As massage is mechanical body-work therapy, it is important to have a good grasp of the human body. This subject takes you through a step-by-step process of learning the anatomy and physiology of the body. It is filled with helpful tips and tricks to help learn as well as high quality 3D images and videos. You will also get free access to an Anatomy APP (visible body) provided to the leading universities teaching medicine all over the world.

03 - Client Communication

Client communication skills is an essential part of your role as a therapist. Research has shown that clients are more likely to re-book with a therapist who has good communication and professional relationship skills. In this subject learn the art of connecting, building rapport and communication skills for different situations.

04 - Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the workplace teaches reflection on own perspectives, appreciation for diversity and inclusiveness and their benefits, communication with people from diverse backgrounds and situations, promote understanding across diverse groups describes the skills and the knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

05 - Clinical Practice 1

This subject requires students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to work effectively within a massage framework. Students are assessed on their ability to perform a health assessment and their ability to plan and provide a basic massage treatment. Other aspects of a student’s role as a massage therapist are reviewed and expanded upon: safe practices, communication, anatomy & medical terminology, referrals and administering a practice. In this subject you will perform clinical practice hours under Evolve College supervision. This subject also includes 2 on-campus clinics for professional practice on public clients.

06 - Remedial & Sports Massage Skills 1 & 2 

This hands on practical subject teaches the skills and knowledge for deep tissue, sports and remedial massage.  Remedial and sports massage involve the art of knowing the layers of tissue in the body and understanding how to apply your technique accordingly. This subject teaches you how to combine your knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy with new practical massage skills to treat deeper layers of tissue in the body.

07 - Business Practices

The education within this subject first teaches the principals and practices of setting a small business. Learn about establishing your own small business including market potential and budget requirements. The second part looks at improving your practice. Learn the art of review and evaluation and bring to life in application. 

08 - Client Health Information

This subject first teaches further anatomical information to develop the student’s understanding of the musculoskeletal body. It then looks at how the student can use the health information to determine health conditions and analyse body presentation. 

09 - Professional Healthcare

This subject educates your role as a healthcare provider. In this subject, you will expand on the principles of the healthcare system and how you as remedial massage therapist play a part in the whole system. Included is learning on how to work with other healthcare professionals. Diversity in the workplace explores the skills of inclusiveness and working together. Australia is a multicultural country and understanding the basis of diversity and the best way to interact is essential to ensure you are able to serve all people.

10 - Strength & Conditioning 

Strengthening and conditioning is a new area for the massage industry. After years of treating clients with many different presentations, we came to realise the importance of supporting clients with ongoing maintenance and  the health of the area treated. We would often tell clients to work on their posture in order to not cause an issue to re-occur only to have the client presenting with the same issue again. Strengthening and conditioning addresses this factor. In this subject you will learn resisted movement training to help clients work on their strength and stability, supporting them to have the ability to actually maintain the new prescribed posture.

11 - Safe Practices

This subject teaches you important information on how to manage a safe practice. It includes a combination of workplace health and safety as well as the prevention and control of infection. At a practical level this subject will teach you how to ensure your work environment is clean, tidy, safe and contamination free. It will also teach you the underpinning knowledge behind risks, hazards and how to manage your clinic.

12 - Injury & Clinical Assessment

Injury and clinical assessment is one of the most important subjects in your course. Although one can learn good massage hand skills, applying the correct skill to the right area according to the condition is what makes the treatment beneficial or not. Learning how to perform a clinical assessment will teach you how to identify the current body presentation including any injuries or ailments and formulate a remedial or sports massage routine specific to your client’s needs. Consider, how can you hit the right spot, without first assessing where that spot is?

13 - Legal and Ethical

This subject focuses on the legal and ethical requirements of your practice. The legal requirements are those which are laws and regulations for you to follow. Ethical is the teaching of what is ethical (a right standard) for you to practice. This subject teaches you the most up to date legal and ethical information specific to your course.

14 - Develop and Market Your Business

This subject outlines the outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source information on, and work according to, a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms for business purposes. This appertains to individuals working at all levels from operational personnel through to managers.

15 - Clinical Practice 2

This subject supports you to implement and practice your clinical skills. You will be supported to develop your clinical practice skills by performing remedial massage treatments on public clients. This subject is the last of the diploma and is focused on developing confidence in your practice. This subject includes 3 on-campus clinics for professional practice on public clients.

Course Details

Study Method: 
Blended Delivery: on-campus and online study
12 Months
Enrolment Period: 
Open Now

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