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Policies & Downloads

Download Evolve College Policies, Information & Forms


HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage Qualification Facts Sheet

HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Qualification Facts Sheet

CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling Qualification Facts Sheet

Student Agreement - Massage Courses

Student Agreement - Diploma of Counselling

Enrolment Policy – Visas

Enrolment - Under 18's Policy

VSL Parental Consent Form

VET Student Loans approved course policies

VET Student Loan Information Sheet HLT52021

Student Entry Policy and Procedure

Student Fees Re-crediting Policy and Procedure

Student Review Policy and Procedure

Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Tuition Assurance Policy and Procedure

Department Tuition Protection Fact Sheet

Tuition Assurance Information for Students

VSL Policy and Procedure

Complaints & Appeals Policy and Procedure

Reviewable decision notice

Student Fact Sheet Tax File Number Mismatch 

Fees, charges and refunds:

Administration and Additional Fee Schedule

Fees Charges and Refunds Policy and Procedure

Tuition Assurance Policy and Procedure - Domestic Fee For Service 

Special Consideration Request Form

VET Student Loan Tuition Fee Schedule

Charges not covered by Tuition Fees

Course cancellations and extensions:

Course Cancellation Request Form - MASSAGE

Course Cancellation Request Form - COUNSELLING

Course Extension Request Form

Course Deferral Request - please contact us on 1300 880 885 or at evolve@evolvecollege.com for further information about requesting an enrolment deferral

Student materials and support:

Student Handbook - MASSAGE

Student Handbook - COUNSELLING

Student Education Support and Admin Support Procedure

Student Records Access Form (please contact the College on 1300 880 885 to enquire about access to Student Records)

Complaints and appeals:

Complaints & Appeals Policy and Procedure

Complaints & Appeal Form

National Recognition and RPL:

National Recognition Policy and Procedure

National Recognition Application Form

RPL Application Form*

*Please note that Evolve College welcomes applications for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Please contact us on 1300 880 885 for further information.

Student conduct:

Massage Draping Protocol

Zero Tolerance Policy on Inappropriate Conduct

Plagiarism and Cheating Policy and Procedure


Privacy Policy and Procedure

Privacy Notice for Data Collection

Department VET Privacy Notice

Student other policies:

Infection Control Policy

Evolve College COVID Safe Protocol - MASSAGE (UPDATE PUBLISHED 20.01.22)

Evolve College COVID Safe Protocol - COUNSELLING (UPDATE PUBLISHED 20.01.22) 

Student Massage Clinics:

Clinic Attendance Policy

Virtual Clinic Terms and Conditions - Client

Jobs and Skills WA Funded Training Policies

To view policies relating to WA Jobs and Skills funded training, click here.

This page contains the policies and information regarding your WA Jobs and Skills Funded Training.

Please Note: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all College Policies outlined here, in the Student Enrolment Agreement and the Student Handbook are clearly understood and agreed with before enrolling or re-enrolling.


A brief overview of a sample of Evolve College's Policies and Procedures is provided. The specific policies and forms can be downloaded using the links provided above or accessed by contacting our Administration Team on 1300 880 885 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm AEST/ADST) or by email at evolve@evolvecollege.com.

Enrolment process

  • Fees or an approved application for a VET Student Loan must accompany an enrolment.

  • Students can enrol by calling the Course Enrolment Line on 1300 880 885. An enrolment form is required to be completed.

  • Students are required to sign and agree to the Student Agreement as part of their enrolment.

Admission requirements

  • Students must be 18 years of age or over on commencement of their studies or have completed the special enrolment application for anyone aged at least 17.

  • A minimum of Year 10 or equivalent English is required to study the course/s offered by Evolve College. In addition, if you are studying a VET Student Loans approved course (HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage) further eligibility requirements apply. See our Diploma of Remedial Massage page, and click on the orange questions towards the end of the page - see section A, questions 2, 3 and 4, in particular. 
  • As part of enrolment, students may be required to undertake a Literacy, Language and Numeracy exercise which is a questionnaire which ascertains their relevant level. Support is available. If you need support, please contact our Administrative Team on 1300 880 885 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm AEST/ADST) or by email at evolve@evolvecollege.com

Language literacy & numeracy

  • Evolve College understands that all students are individuals with different life experiences and literacy and numeracy skills vary.

  • Evolve College recognises that reading, writing, listening, speaking and understanding mathematical concepts and processes are integral skills required for work and are therefore an important component of training.

  • Evolve College encourages students with Language Literacy or Numeracy concerns to discuss this with our Student Services Team. A range of support services can be provided for the student upon request.

  • Evolve College applies access and equity principles and will provide information, advice and support services to assist students to identify and achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Evolve College fosters equality and access in a training environment that is fair and conducive to learning at all levels. This means that all of our students are entitled to the best possible training delivery.

  • It is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of the following attributes: ethnicity, gender, age, marital status, religious belief, sexual orientation, physical or intellectual impairment, or personal association. Evolve College is a no-discrimination College and each and every student is welcomed and supported in the way most needed for their development and learning.

  • All Evolve College staff and Trainers and Assessors are required to have an awareness and understanding of access and equity issues and are required to demonstrate access and equity principles in all dealings with students.

  • If a student believes they have been treated unfairly by an Evolve College staff member, Trainer and Assessor or representative, they can contact our Student Services Team or submit a complaint using the form provided.

Language literacy & numeracy testing

  • Evolve College uses The Learning Resources Group Department of Education-approved LLN tool, to test and assess Language Literacy and Numeracy. Where relevant, applicants for enrolment will be sent a link to this tool, to complete a LLN test, if required for their admission. 

Academic staff

  • Evolve College ensures excellence in teaching standards through its selection of highly qualified and experienced Trainers and Assessors who are committed to Evolve College raising and setting the standards of massage therapy and its education.

  • All Trainers and Assessors have extensive clinical experience and currency in the massage industry. Trainers maintain their currency through rigorous professional development in vocational training and assessment in order to teach and assess both the HLT42021 Certificate in Massage Therapy and the HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage. All Trainers and Assessors also hold the minimum required Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification or its equivalent.

Student support

  • The Student Services department is responsible for the care of students and helps with all aspects of their welfare, including career advice, study skills counselling, academic issues such as course planning, Centrelink and Austudy details and other study-related issues, where relevant to your chosen course.

  • Where possible, a range of support services or appropriate referrals will be provided to participants with special needs. Reasonable adjustment can also be made for students with special needs. We tailor our training and assessment to meet special needs and know how to do this without compromising the rigour of training and assessment. If you have any special needs you would like to discuss with us, please call our Administration Team on 1300 880 885 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm AEST/ADST) or by email at evolve@evolvecollege.com.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) & National Recognition

  • Evolve College welcomes applications for RPL or National Recognition.

  • Applications for RPL may only be made on the RPL Application form and must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee. Details of the RPL process and requirements to be awarded RPL, are outlined in our RPL Candidate’s Kit. To obtain the kit, please contact our Administration Team on 1300 880 885 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm AEST/ADST) or by email at evolve@evolvecollege.com.

  • The RPL application form must be adhered to when making an application to the RPL assessor. The assessment will be based on evidence provided including formal training in a university course or training in a similar course at a similar college/institution and/or evidence of relevant industry experience.

  • The RPL Application asks you to list your details, including an overview of your experience and which unit(s) of competency you are applying for RPL for. This should be accompanied by a completed Self-Assessment Form, in relation to unit(s) you are seeking RPL for, which gives you an opportunity to outline your previous study and/or experience as relevant to your application. You should attach as much evidence as you can. Details are given in the RPL Candidate's Kit.

  • All material submitted must be in accordance with the RPL Candidate’s Kit. The RPL Assessor considers and reviews all material submitted, and conducts an interview with the candidate to find out any further information required, or request further documentation. The RPL Assessor will also verify the evidence submitted. Upon reaching a final determination, the RPL Assessor advises the applicant as to the outcome of their RPL application. There is a fee payable per unit assessed, which is outlined in the RPL Candidate's Kit.

  • If the RPL Application is successful the student will be awarded recognition for the relevant unit/subject. Full, partial or no recognition may be awarded, at the RPL Assessor’s discretion. If partial recognition or no recognition is awarded for a particular unit/subject, further training will be required to fulfil the requirements of the unit/subject. Your RPL Assessor can guide you through this.

National Recognition

  • Evolve College will recognise qualifications and statements of attainment awarded by any Registered Training Organisation throughout Australia.

  • Automatic credit transfer (National Recognition) applies to identical units of competency. National Recognition may be granted for one or more units, and applies to the attainment of whole, identical units of competency only.

  • If you have previously completed unit(s) or courses which may be considered equivalent, but the units are not identical to those within the course you are enrolling in with Evolve College, then you should seek to apply for RPL (not National Recognition).

  • Fees are not applicable to course credit (National Recognition).

  • An applicant for National Recognition must complete the National Recognition Application form (link below).

  • Evidence required includes certified copies of the following document(s), certified by a person authorised to witness the swearing of a statutory declaration in Australia:

• your Statement of Attainment; and
• your qualification (testamur)

  • Evolve College will verify evidence prior to acceptance of recognition. The student will be notified of the result of the assessment.

  • If you would like to know more about the RPL or National Recognition process, please call us on 1300 880 885 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm AEST/ADST) or email us at evolve@evolvecollege.com.


  • Assessment for all subjects is compulsory, as set out in the course.

  • Subjects are assessed by way of assessment activities. Assessment activities may include such things as oral and written assignments and reports, practical demonstrations, roleplays, case studies, work samples such as clinic log books and reports, multiple choice questions and, for massage courses, professional massage treatments.

  • Details of the required assessment activities are provided with each subject course materials and in the Evolve Assessment Hub.

  • For further information on assessments, check the Student Handbook, the Student Portal and the Evolve Hub or contact one of our course advisors on 1300 880 885 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm AEST/ADST) or by email at evolve@evolvecollege.com

  • If upon completion of an assessment a student is found by an Evolve College Assessor to have an unsatisfactory result then a resubmission or re-sit for each applicable assessment is required. Up to 3 resubmissions are allowed for each assessment activity before an assessor review will be undertaken to determine whether a repeat of all or part of a unit of study is required. In the case of an unsatisfactory assessment, you will be provided with feedback from your Assessor indicating the areas that were found to be unsatisfactory and required to resubmit the assessment within 14 days of the marking result. You will be reassessed on all of the areas indicated by the Assessor as requiring re-assessment and upon completion will be provided with your results and feedback. Fees are payable for required repeats of online and practical assessments as per the Administration and Additional Fee Schedule a copy of which can be downloaded above.

  • All fees associated with unsuccessful and incomplete assessments that form part of a unit of study are outlined in the Administration and Additional Fees Schedule, which can be downloaded from this page. For all questions and assistance regarding assessment submission students should contact the College Student Services by phone or email.

  • Students are required to submit an assessment task at least every 2 weeks and to complete all aspects of a unit of study within the designated time frame for that unit.

  • Students must contact the College Student Services team to advise if at any time they are unable to meet the progression requirements of their unit if study as soon as this occurs and to discuss possible options including study assistance, deferral, extension or withdrawal. Students enrolled in a VET Student Loans approved course must meet all progression and engagement requirements. See our Diploma of Remedial Massage page for more information.


  • Where applicable and requested, a Statement of Attainment will be awarded on completion of a unit of competency, subject to completion of all applicable requirements of that unit of competency.

  • A Qualification Certificate and an official Record of Results (Academic Transcript) will be awarded on successful completion of each course.

  • Fees apply to re-issue of a copy of a Certificate, Statement of Attainment or Academic Transcript, as per the Administration and Additional Fee Schedule, available for download on this policies page. 

Massage Practice Classes and Student Clinics

  • All students enrolled in a Massage course are required to attend Massage Practice classes scheduled at an Evolve College training centre. The Massage Practice classes include various practical assessments and activities such as demonstrations, role plays and clinical practice in a working clinic environment with interaction with the general public and/or other students. The Evolve College Student Clinic allows for assessment of a student’s knowledge and skills in the practical components of the course.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to organise and attend the Massage Practice Classes which may involve a travel commitment (noting that travel and accommodation are at the student’s own expense).

  • All students attend the Massage Practice Classes and attend Student Clinics on campus for both HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy and the HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage. Both qualifications also incorporate a supervised clinical hours component that can be completed via the Virtual Clinic or by optional on-campus attendance.

    The HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage Clinical Practice program (which incorporates Massage Practice 1 and 2 classes) requires the following campus attendance:
    1 x 2 day Massage Practice 1A class
    1 x 2 day Massage Practice 1B class
    1 x 2 day Massage Practice 2 class
    5 x 2 day Student Clinics

    The HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Clinical Practice program (which incorporates Massage Practice 1 classes) requires the following campus attendance:
    1 x 2 day Massage Practice 1A class
    1 x 2 day Massage Practice 1B class
    2 x 2 day Student Clinics

  • For more details see the Student Handbook (link above) which also contains details of other on-campus attendance requirements.

Clinical practice

  • Students enrolled in a Massage or Counselling course must not charge money for their services before obtaining the minimum qualification offered by Evolve College for their chosen discipline. If the student is studying the HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage, they may not charge for remedial massage treatments until they have graduated from the Diploma, even if they have obtained the HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy.

  • Students should be aware that if they charge money while practising skills before completion of the course, they will be contravening Evolve College policy, and they may be risking claims for damages against them if complications arise. Should this eventuate they will incur the entire liability personally and Evolve College will not accept any liability whatsoever.

Working with children

  • Students must not perform any clinical hours on children under the age of 18 years of age. Note that this is because strict laws apply to working with children, including the obtaining of relevant working with children checks.

Academic misconduct

  • Students at Evolve College are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic conduct. Evolve College appreciates that most students conduct themselves with integrity and are disturbed when they observe others cheating. Evolve College provides information in the Student Handbook to assist students in avoiding unintentional plagiarism and/or cheating.

  • Academic misconduct is considered a serious offence at Evolve College. Students who have been deemed to intentionally plagiarise/cheat, may have their enrolment and student status suspended or cancelled.

Course material & timetable

  • Evolve College reserves the right to substitute or credit any textbooks /e-textbooks or course materials at any time, without notice, should they become unavailable, or go out of print.

  • Evolve College reserves the right at its sole discretion and without notice to amend timetables or course structure or content where it would be advantageous for student learning.

  • Evolve College reserves the right to alter any aspect of the curriculum at any time to reflect the changing needs of the profession, and to retain leadership in academic standards, and/or to meet changing requirements under the Training Package.


  • We handle your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 and the Student Identifiers Act 2014 and as governed by our Privacy Policy and the Privacy Notice for Data Collection as downloadable from this page.

  • The Government requires us to collect certain personal information from students and provide it to the Student Identifiers Registrar and/or NCVER. This includes a Unique Student Identifier number (USI) and other AVETMISS data. For details of why we collect this information and what it is used for, please see the Privacy Notice for Data Collection as downloadable from this page.

  • Personal information collected may include, but is not limited to name, address, date of birth and other identifying information, as well as information in relation to your study.

  • The collection, use and disclosure of USIs and other AVETMISS data is protected by the Student Identifiers Act 2014 and the Privacy Act 1988 and we comply with these legislative instruments and our privacy policy in our handling of your information.

  • Download our Privacy Policy, the Privacy Notice for Data Collection, and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Privacy Notice under the heading “Privacy” above. All of these documents contain important information in relation to your study and the privacy and use of your information. 

How do I get started?

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