1. Inspiring, easy, nationally recognised training
All our courses are easy to understand – we see no point in making things complicated! So our HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy and HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage courses cover every aspect that is needed by the Training Package and Government regulations but in a way that is simple to understand – and that you can take with you into your chosen career. We know what employers are looking for and we will equip you with what you need to go forward with confidence.
2. No stress!
There is no stress with our training – assessments are a vital part of training and are required as part of the course, but the way in which we present these is fully supportive of you in your learning. We provide opportunities for you to repeat any work you may need more practice in, until you are competent. Our focus is always on you, the student, and you can call on us for support whenever you need it. Support is available for both educational/curriculum questions as well as administratively.
3. Recognition of your qualification
When you complete your training with Evolve College, you will be eligible for membership with professional associations in the massage industry. For information on massage associations and the associations we work with, visit our general FAQs page.
4. Building confident graduates ready to join the industry
Evolve College offers a depth of training not often seen elsewhere. Our focus is on you as a person, and everything we do is designed and carefully crafted to bring you real, practical and rewarding training.
Our approach is well respected in the industry. Our focus is on professionalism, and what this actually means in real life, beyond just words. Our clinical program is meticulously and expertly designed to build confidence as a practitioner, from the very first session given in subject 1, through to the final clinical practice hours confirming and refining your readiness to work as a massage therapist, at the end of the course.
5. Value for money
Our fees are all-inclusive with no hidden costs. All your learning materials are included in your course fees and made available to you via the Student Portal and Evolve Hub.* The things you need to provide yourself are described in the Student Handbook. The Administrative Fee Schedule sets out fees that apply to administrative items, and is contained in the Student Handbook. We have easy flexible payment options so it’s affordable for you to get started right away, in the way that suits you best. Read more about our fees on the Fees page.
* This is with the exception of a current certificate in HLTAID003 Provide first aid, which you are required to obtain at your own expense. Refer to the HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy or HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage Qualification Fact Sheet for more information.
6. Courses available where you are
Evolve College delivers training and assessment within Australia. You can study in the way you want to – we understand that your study needs to fit in with all you have going on in your life. So you can choose on-campus or correspondence – whichever study method is best for you, and you have the flexibility with either option of doing your theory study from home. We know that your time is precious – so you can choose your own pace of study with the flexibility to accommodate your other commitments, as long as you make steady progress in your course in accordance with the requirements set out in the Student Handbook: We want to ensure you progress well in your study and we are there to support you to commit and achieve something truly wonderful for your own development and career. Contact our Student Admin Team for support in deciding what study method is best for you, or for support at any time after you enrol.
7. Unique massage training system
We have decades of experience in teaching massage and know how to do so in precise, engaging, effective and enjoyable way. You get to give and receive lots of hands-on practical sessions, to hone your skills as a practitioner and to know how each technique feels as a client. We are leading the way with massage education and deliver training on technical skills at the leading edge of the industry. Our very strong Clinic Program is a key component of your course and is designed to foster ability and confidence in our students.
8. Yes, but how do I fit into all of this, as a student? What makes Evolve College, Evolve?
At Evolve College, our commitment is to you and everything about our training and our training institution reflects this. We do not train students in a cookie-cutter approach, to churn out graduates who have done the minimum and tick the box.
Our students are an exceptional group of people who are committed to their learning and growth and bringing their all to the massage industry. This is fostered and nurtured during their course and the professionalism and confidence that our students develop is noticed by industry.
We are there to support each and every student along the way, through the educational and curriculum support offered by qualified Trainers/Assessors, as well as focused Administrative support by our team who are dedicated to our students and their progress and development.
9. How can I find out more information about the massage qualifications you offer, so I know what I’m signing up for?
Check out the qualification fact sheets, which gather together important information that you need to know about your course:
HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Fact Sheet
HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage Fact Sheet
And if you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to ask! Check out our general FAQs page for more useful information, too.