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Quality Massage graduates who are job-ready

endota coffs harbour, Coffs Harbour

endota Coffs Harbour
Date Listed: 14/03/2024

Be recognised for your hard work with generous incentives, above Award wages and conditions and opportunities for growth within the business. endota spa Coffs Harbour is part of Australia's largest day spa network. 

We use and provide organic skincare and treatment options to our clients that focus on achieving both short and long term results. 

In return we are looking for a Remedial Massage Therapist with the following skills and Attributes:

  • An exceptional knowledge of products and proven retail sales experience
  • Prior experience
  • Excellent grooming and presentation standards
  • Passion and dedication for working at endota spa Coffs Harbour and promoting the endota spa values. 
  • Exemplary work ethic and reliability 
  • Strong communications skills

You must be available to work Saturdays. 

If you want to advance your career then this is the role for you!

To join our team forward your resume as well as your cover letter as soon as possible to holly.jackson@endota.com.au