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Quality Massage graduates who are job-ready

Chelsey Jean Lymphatics, Cap

Massage Therapist
Date Listed: 06/03/2024

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Chelsey Jean Lymphatics Employment Opportunity ⭐️⭐️⭐️ We are hiring! 

Chelsey Jean Lymphatics is looking for talented Massage Therapists to join our team in Brisbane. 

*** Lymphatic Training will be provided*** 

Our lymphatic message is spreading fast and we now have a lot of people who need us. Within this role, you will be able to use your qualifications to provide lymphatic massage to our valued clients. Ideally, we are looking for someone who is able to work full time. You will have ongoing support and the opportunity to grow within the company. 

As a Lymphatic Massage Therapist, you will be responsible for: 

✅ Prepare and provide lymphatic massage, education and ongoing care to clients
✅ Assisting in the daily social media post
✅ Building and maintaining clientele base
✅ Providing excellent customer service and assisting CJ Team 

Ideally, we are looking for someone who has the following: 

✅ Relevant qualifications in Massage
✅ Previous natural health experience
✅ Strong communication and sales skills
✅ Team player wanting to spread the lymphatic message 

If you require further information or would like to know more about the role, please contact Pam at pam@chelseyjean.com