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  • Taking Stock - Part 1

    Taking Stock - Part 1
    11 Dec
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    Posted by Evolve College News

    How fast is the clock really ticking?

    Retailers undergo a “stock-taking” exercise at least once a year, to see how they are going, which informs them and prepares them for the coming year. 

    Perhaps we can all do the same. 

    Here we are in December – a great time to take stock. 

    We’ve no doubt all experienced that – and may be feeling ourselves caught up in it right now. What does that look like? – Thousands of things to do, all at once, with the expectation that they all be done in the next week or two… It’s stressful even just thinking about it!

    But does it really have to be that way? What if that ‘end of year mark’ is just another marker – perhaps it is useful to remember that after 31 December, there is 1 January and another day, another week and another year! Yes we need to get things done – and we will – but wouldn’t it be great to give ourselves a bit of space to actually discern whether those things need to be done right now or whether with a bit more room in January, they may be done with more focus, more quality and therefore, better?

    We tend to put artificial restrictions on ourselves and then wind ourselves up into a panic when we cannot get everything done by those deadlines. This especially happens at this time of year. 

    But what does that actually do to us? It is useful to bring in a bit of a reality check at this time of year and ask – do we want to finish the year in a  mess, exhausted, stressed out and ready to collapse over those holidays? Or is it possible that we can approach this whole time of year in a different manner? 

    For instance, do we have to finish every idea that pops into our head right now? Do we have to catch up with every single person we have ever met just because the year is about to close? Or can we spend quality time on each of those things and with all of those people as the space opens up to… 

    At Evolve College, we teach that all that we practise professionally, whatever our chosen field or craft, is about qualityit is quality that matters

    This is something, indeed that we can apply to all of life. 

    Next week, we look further at how we can use this time of year to Take Stock. 

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