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  • Risk - Burden or Opportunity - Part 2

    Risk - Burden or Opportunity - Part 2
    12 Feb
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    Posted by Evolve College News

    Make it about people

    Last week, in part 1 of this series, we looked at risk and regulatory burdens and how they can tend to “bog us down” as organisations or businesses, as we scramble to stay on top of what is required and not get into trouble. 

    This is a very draining way of doing business. And it is stressful. 

    What we introduced last week was the possibility that looking at risk can be an opportunity to set new standards for your business, so you are not scrambling. How would this look? 

    If you make your business about what it is truly about – serving people to the absolute best of your ability, then all those regulatory requirements are going to be a natural part of what you do and look after from day to day. 

    Make your business about people and meeting the regulatory requirements becomes second nature, because you will naturally want to exceed them. After all, if your business requires Work Health and Safety requirements – then wouldn’t it be natural to want to look after your staff and visitors to your premises to the absolute tee? If your business is subject to hygiene or health requirements, then wouldn’t you want to be ensuring your clients or visitors are safe, as part of your overall care for them and attention to detail? And so it goes on…

    What we have an opportunity to see is that when we make our business about people, and lifting the standard of service we provide to people, then meeting all the regulatory demands and risks that we face in business, become natural and simple. In fact, we set our standards higher than the legal minimum bar, and the meeting of the requirements is just second nature. 

    Next week, in the final part of this series, we look at how this can set us apart in business. 


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