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  • Fit For Work - Part 2

    Fit For Work - Part 2
    15 Jan
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    Posted by Evolve College News


    Last week, in part 1 of this series, we looked at what Fit for Work means. Is it just the technical know-how of the job at hand? 

    We saw that the technical aspects of a job are of course critically important, and all training should prepare people in full to be able to perform those aspects confidently and comprehensively. 

    But there is more. We looked last week at the first component which should head up any person’s attitude and approach to work if they are really going to be “fit for work”. And that is purpose

    Alongside purpose, is commitment, our focus for this week. 

    So what is commitment? We think we’re committed – after all, we get our task list completed by the end of our week, don’t we? But what if commitment is about more than that….. 

    Our attitude to work tells a lot about our commitment. For instance, if our approach to work is all about ticking off all the boxes, then there is a risk that we are making our job just about function. However, a really valuable worker makes it about much more than function. 

    The first step in this is commitment. 

    Commitment, simply means a readiness to bring all that is needed.

    Is this the way we approach our work? Or are we fussy about what we will do and not do, not really interested in anything outside our task list, and just operating to a minimal level to “get it all done”, ticked off, and so we can move on? 

    If we bring a readiness to do whatever is needed, then we are saying to our clientele (whoever they may be in the various industries there are for us all to work in), as well as our team mates, co-workers, bosses, etc, that we are here to do what is needed for the job, and the organisation as a whole. This is a true team player. 

    Imagine if we all brought that attitude and readiness to our work – wouldn’t our teams thrive, wouldn’t we be more productive, and wouldn’t work be more enjoyable, satisfactory and even fun? It is deeply satisfying and enjoyable to work in this manner, and it is even better when we share that attitude with those around us. 

    Commitment is a very large part of being “fit for work”. 

    Next week in our final part of this series, we look at another element of fitness for work. 


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